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Health Insurance Repayment in Accident Injury Insurance Claims

If you receive medical treatment for injuries sustained in a car or truck accident, you might be surprised to get a letter and questionnaire from The Law Office of Eugene Seidel, Seidel Subrogation Associates, Ingenix, Healthcare Recoveries, The Phia Group, or another entity, claiming to be the “subrogation” agent of CareFirst, United Healthcare, Coventry, Priority Partners, Aetna, or another health insurance company.  The letter will probably explain that the health insurance company has a right of repayment if you make a recovery or receive a settlement from another insurance company, and will ask you to fill out a great deal of information about your accident.

Please click here to read the Metropolitan magazine’s feature article about the background, experience, and civic involvement of the husband and wife team of accident attorneys J. Scott Robertson and Laura E. Robertson. Please feel free to call us today at 410-749-9111 for a free initial consultation.

If you received a letter about health insurance repayment or subrogation, I recommend that you call us today for a free initial consultation.  Mistakes in the handling of your claim with the car insurance company and the repayment to your health insurance carrier can cause tremendous frustration, a poor settlement for your case, and future problems with your health insurance.  

We know how to handle these issues correctly from the beginning so that you do not have to spend the time and stress of figuring it out or fighting to correct the inevitable mistakes or overreaching by the insurance companies.

Subrogation is a legal term that simply refers to the insurance company’s right to be repaid.  The amount to be reimburse is referred to as the lien amount.

The vast majority of health insurance policies today require you to repay the health insurance carrier when you make a settlement or recovery from someone else for your injuries.

Using health insurance to pay medical bills is often necessary when you are injured in an accident, since the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier will not pay for any medical bills until you sign a full and final legal release. And signing a release is something you ordinary never want to do until you are done with your medical treatment.

In order to ensure a good end result in a settlement against a car or truck insurance company, it is essential to coordinate and take full advantage of the various insurance coverages available: PIP insurance, Med-Pay, Health Insurance, Medicare (if applicable), liability insurance, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.  Coordinating these coverages is not always logical or automatic.

These are issues that we deal with every day at Robertson & Robertson, P.A.  Feel free to call our friendly and helpful attorneys and staff today for a free initial consultation at 410-749-9111.  We will ensure that your medical billing is handled in the most efficient way, and that your repayment to health insurance is minimized to get you the best possible end result.

We do several things to minimize the amount that has to be repaid to the health insurance company and increase the amount of the settlement that is paid to our clients.  First and foremost, we work very diligently to receive a full and fair settlement from the auto insurance company.  We carefully scrutinize the lien itemization to dispute mistakes or questionable items that are often claimed as part of the health insurance lien.  We demand that the health insurance carrier reduce their lien to share the costs in the case, including attorneys’ fees (this is often required by law if the health insurance policy is governed by state law, or has to be demanded and negotiated if the health insurance policy is governed under federal ERISA law).  We use our experience and expertise to time the settlement to maximize the recovery and minimize the health insurance lien. We assertively negotiate health insurance lien waivers or substantial reductions when paying the lien would be otherwise unfair.

We know what we are doing when it comes to dealing with health insurance liens; we handle these issues on a daily basis.  Mishandling—or even mediocre handling—of the health insurance lien by an unrepresented individual or an attorney without experience in this area can result in the injured party receiving much less money from their settlement.

I recommend calling us today for a free truck or car accident insurance claim consultation before filling out any paperwork you receive from the health insurance carrier.  You will likely want us to fill out of the paperwork so that costly mistakes can be avoided.

Keep in mind that we are usually able to resolve claims without a lawsuit, because we know how to coordinate insurance coverages, properly present the information to the insurance companies to ensure a full and fair evaluation, and to coordinate the settlement to minimize the amounts you have to pay for insurance liens and medical bills from your settlement.

Improper handling of a car insurance injury claim only INCREASES the chances that a lawsuit will be necessary later.  Getting us involved early ensures that your case will be handled properly and vastly increases the chances that you will receive a fair settlement for your case. It also allows us to get started on the health insurance lien process early, so that settlement will not be delayed at the end of your case. Getting us involved early also relieves you of the tremendous burden and stress of dealing with insurance adjusters and a load of paperwork, and allows you to focus on what matters most – your medical recovery.

We know how to effectively deal with the insurance companies on the multitude of issues that arise in auto accident claims.  Our friendly and helpful attorneys and staff are standing by to help you.  

 Feel free to call us today at 410-749-9111.